Mission Statement
Petro Motion is engaged in the development of new materials and processes to improve the efficiency of companies working in the heavy oil production sector. We are an Alberta-based business dedicated to continual improvement and responsible business operations. We strive for excellence in the development of innovative and environmentally friendly products for use in global oil and gas industry. We believe in sustainable development and community engagement. With responsible management practices, future-oriented strategies and the use of leading-edge technology, we are committed to superior long-term returns to our investors.
Our Community
Petro Motion is committed to developing and maintaining long-term relationships with the communities in which we work. We believe in proactive communication, open dialogue and transparent access to information. We act quickly on concerns brought to our attention and invite feedback. Committed to a philosophy of continuous improvement, we eagerly solicit ideas and opportunities for growth from our employees, corporate partners, the community and the oil and gas industry.
President & CEO
James "Robby" Robson
The Board of Directors
Alan Barker, Paul Larkin, Dennis Martin, James Robson, Mel Slater and Jonathan Younie and Scott Ivers.
Our Patent Information
Click here for our patent information.